Passivation | Colorado HypoTube, Inc

At Colorado HypoTube we perform both Citric & Nitric chemical passivation as defined by ASTM A-380 and ASTM A967 as well at electro-chemical processing of stainless steel tube, wire and parts. These passivation processes are used for cleaning, descaling and sanitation of stainless steel.

Pre-cleaning is an important part of the process. Grease, oils, biologic and chemical contaminants should be removed before the acidic immersion process.

Most jobs at Colorado HypoTube, Inc. are passivated in a Citric solution based
on CitriSurf 22.

Proper agitation and temperature control is also vital to the process. The solution needs to be maintained at the proper temperature and some form of agitation must be applied during the immersion cycle. At Colorado HypoTube we use heated ultrasonic tanks in the passivation process so the parts are assured to have complete, consistent coverage of the solution.

Several thorough rinses in Deionized water leaves a virtual spot-free finish. Parts and tubes and are generally dried at 230°F to assure all surfaces are dry before shipment.

Our daily need for passivation within our own processes means our systems are always at the ready to passivate your parts quickly and efficiently. And that equates to short turnaround times and ultra-competitive prices for all your passivation needs.


Thank You.